Recent Question/Assignment
Assessment 1 Information
Subject Code: DATA4000
Subject Name: Introduction to Business Analytics
Assessment Title: Individual Case Study
Assessment Type: Written assessment
Word Count: 2000 Words (+/-10%)
Weighting: 30 %
Total Marks: 30
Submission: via Turnitin
Due Date: Tuesday Week 3, 23:55pm AEST
Your Task
Complete Parts A to C below by the due date.
Consider the rubric at the end of the assignment for guidance on structure and content.
Assessment Description
• You are to read case studies provided and answer questions in relation to the content, analytics theory and potential analytics professionals required for solving the business problems at hand.
• Learning outcomes 1 and 2 are addressed.
Assessment Instructions
Part A: Case Study Analysis (700 words, 10 marks)
Instructions: Read the following two case studies. For each case study, briefly describe:
a) The industry to which analytics has been applied
b) A potential and meaningful business problem to be solved
c) The type of analytics used, and how it was used to address that potential and meaningful business problem
d) The main challenge(s) of using this type of analytics to achieve your business objective (from part b)
e) Recommendations regarding how to be assist stakeholders with adapting these applications for their business.
1. Tesco: Using Data Analysis to Make Better Business Decisions
2. Big Data: A Case Study on Spotify
Part B: The Role of Analytics in Solving Business Problems (500 words, 8 marks)
Instructions: Describe two different types of analytics (from Workshop 1) and evaluate how each could be used as part of a solution to a business problem with reference to ONE real-world case study of your own choosing.
You will need to conduct independent research and consult resources provided in the subject.
Part C: Developing and Sourcing Analytics Capabilities (800 words, 12 marks)
Instructions: You are the Chief Analytics Officer for a large multinational corporation in the communications sector with operations that span South East Asia and Latin America.
The organization is undergoing significant transformations; it is scaling back operations in existing low revenue segments and ramping up investments in next generation products and services - 5G, cloud computing and Software as a Service (SaaS).
The business is keen to develop its data and analytics capabilities. This includes using technology for product innovation and for developing a large contingent of knowledge workers.
To prepare management for these changes, you have been asked review Accenture’s report (see link below) and publish a short report of your own that addresses the following key points:
1. How do we best ingrain analytics into the organisation’s decision-making processes?
2. How do we organize and coordinate analytics capabilities across the organization?
3. How should we source, train and deploy analytics talent?
To help you draft this report, you should review the following working paper from Accenture:
The report is prepared for senior management and the board of directors. It must reflect the needs of your organization and the sector you operate in (communications).
Important Study Information
Academic Integrity Policy
KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy.
What is academic integrity and misconduct?
What are the penalties for academic misconduct?
What are the late penalties?
How can I appeal my grade?
Click here for answers to these questions:
Word Limits for Written Assessments
Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point at which that limit is exceeded.
Study Assistance
Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information.
Assessment Marking Guide next page
DATA4000 Assessment 1
Has demonstrated limited achievement:
Has achieved all or most of:
Part A: Case Study Analysis - Analyse how analytics can enhance business performance and identify the challenges of integrating analytics into diverse industries
0-4 5-10 /10
• Incorrect or incomplete interpretation of case study with reference to the questions
• Has not analysed how analytics can enhance business performance
• Little or no reference to the course material, methods and analytics applications
• No originality, minimal effort
• Well-supported and engaging interpretation of case study with reference to the questions
• Has clearly analysed how analytics can enhance business performance
• Reference to all key course material, methods and analytics applications
• A novel approach taken to the representation of the content
Part B: Role of Analytics - Evaluate the role of analytics processes and procedures in solving business problems and conduct research into existing business cases where
analytics is being used
0-3 4-8 /8
• Inadequate description of analytics types and/or inadequate explanation of how analytics could be used as part of a business problem with
• minimal research conducted
• Comprehensive description of the different types of analytics and a critical evaluation of how each can be used to address a business problem
• Convincing and engaging exploration of feasible analytics solutions with reference to well-researched, detailed case studies
Part C: Analytics Jobs - Investigate existing analytics jobs and identify the type of analytics involved in their associated tasks
0-5 6-12 /12
• Student is not able to identify the types of analytics undertaken by various roles
• Student does not provide feasible recommendations for the type of analytics professionals required by a given scenario
• Student comprehensively identifies the types of analytics undertaken by various roles
• Student provides well supported recommendations for the type of analytics professionals required by a given scenario
Assignment Submission
Students must submit their individual analysis via Turnitin on Tuesday of Week 3 at 23:55pm AEST.
This file must be submitted as a PDF document to avoid any technical issues that may occur from incorrect file format upload. Uploaded files with a virus will not be considered as a legitimate submission. Turnitin will notify you if there is any issue with the submitted file. In this case, you must contact your lecturer via email and provide a brief description of the issue and a screen shot of the Turnitin error message.
Students are also encouraged to submit their work well in advance of the time deadline to avoid any possible delay with Turnitin similarity report generation or any other technical difficulties.
Late assignment submission penalties
Penalties will be imposed on late assignment submissions in accordance with Kaplan Business School’s Assessment Policy.
Number of days Penalty
1* - 9 days 5% per day for each calendar day late deducted from the student’s total Marks.
10 - 14 days 50% deducted from the student’s total marks.
After 14 days Assignments that are submitted more than 14 calendar days after the due date will not be accepted and the student will receive a mark of zero for the assignment(s).
Note Notwithstanding the above penalty rules, assignments will also be given a mark of zero if they are submitted after assignments have been returned to students.
*Assignments submitted at any stage within the first 24 hours after deadline will be considered to be one day late and therefore subject to the associated penalty.
If you are unable to complete this assessment by the due date/time, please refer to the Special Consideration Application Form, which is available at the end of the KBS Assessment Policy:
Page 7 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline